Stimulus Check Confusion

There has been a lot of confusion surrounding the stimulus checks that are being sent out in hopes to help the citizens of the U.S. with expenses that has come with the coronavirus. Initially, it was said that all the checks were going to be sent out by the first of April. Then it was that it would start getting sent out on the 7th. Finally, it was made official that I would be the 9th. That alone more then likely started confusing people. The first batch of direct deposit checks have been sent out(I believe 50 million, give or take received checks so far). I’ll first explain how they’re being distributed, the amount, etc. At the bottom, i’ll elaborate more on the confusion.

How The Checks Will Be Distributed Through Direct Deposit

People who have a direct deposit setup with the IRS would be the ones getting it first. If you did your taxes this year, or last year and used direct deposit, your info is already registered with the IRS. The one time payments would start going out the ninth, the next batch by the 13th, and the rest should have the payments by the 20th. This may not be completely accurate, go to the bottom where I elaborate more.

How The Check Will Be Distributed Through Checks

Please, to anyone who reads this and will be receiving through checks. If you need that money, I think there is still time to setup a direct deposit with the IRS, even if you have already filed taxes and chose to receive a check for your tax returns. If you don’t do direct deposit, there’s only talks of starting to get them sent out STARTING in MAY. It could take months for all of the checks to be sent out to everyone. Literally, months. Please, for your sake, see if it’s still possible.

The Amount You’ll Receive

This is all dependent on how much you make a year. I’ll make it as simple as possible, so bear with me, making it simple will mean I’ll be making estimates. If you make less then $75k a year, you’re definitely getting a check. However, the closer you are to making $99k, the less you’ll get. Married couples making less then $150,000 will definitely get a check, however the closer to $198k, the less you’re getting. The payments as far as I know, are up to $1,200. $500 will be given to families with kids that are 17 years old or less, up to three kids. Please take this information with a grain a salt, as they can change from what we’ve seen.

Who Won’t Receive a Stimulus Check

Information keeps changing so take all this with a grain of salt. Individuals that make more than $99k, will not be receiving anything. Couples that make more then $198k, won’t be receiving anything. People who owe child support will not be receiving anything. Any young adult or student claimed as a dependent, will not be getting a check.

Who Will Be Receiving a Check

Any adult who doesn’t fall in the categories I named above are pretty much getting a check. If you’re retired and claim social security, you will till be receiving a check.

All The Confusion and My Thoughts On The Situation

I’m sure you can read everything i’ve written, find a different news article, and see that the information doesn’t line up as the same. There are so many news websites and channels that are quickly trying to report on the situation without ALL of the information. I’ve waited and yet, I’m sure that even after research, I got at least one thing wrong. I heard talks that the checks will be sent out in order of last name, so anyone with a last name that starts with a later letter have to wait longer. I haven’t found anything to prove that, or disprove it.

There is so much misinformation that is getting crossed with real information, we don’t know what is what. Along with that, even a lot of channels and websites are repeating information, it doesn’t even line up. Not only that, anyone that wants to find an update to the situation can’t find anything, because there are so many articles getting repeated over and over again.

I know, I look like a hypocrite because here I am reporting news on the same topic, adding to the pile. Here’s the difference with me, if I see that a lot of people are coming to my page for information, and something new comes up. I’M NOT GOING TO MAKE ANOTHER POST, ILL JUST UPDATE THE ONE I ALREADY HAVE. It’ll reduce the clutter and hey, it’ll make way for new information that may be important. This whole thing is such a mess and I honestly don’t know when it will improve. I hope it’s soon, however I don’t think it will be.

I hope this post helped somebody out there, and please, don’t take what I wrote as law, do your own research. Information keeps changing so it’s better to stay vigilant, rather then reading one post and thinking you’ve read enough.

Stay safe, and have a good one.
