Opening Up America Again

Opening Up America Again

President Trumps Plan - Opening Up America Again

There’s been reports of places in the U.S. improving and easing on restrictions. President Trump is calling for “Opening Up America Again”, and my thoughts on that are honestly 50/50. An extended nationwide lockdown could have even greater effects on our economy. We Americans need to work, money need to start flowing again because there is not a chance that people can keep up not working. Along with the conference, the guidelines that were given to state governors were also released to the public to read. President Trump wants to slowly start opening up states again in three phases, however, before a state can start opening up, there are quite a few prerequisites that need to be met, such as - {For those that would rather read the guidelines themselves, here is the link }

  • Symptoms - “Downward trajectory of influenza-like illnesses (ILI) reported within a 14-day period Downward trajectory of covid-like syndromic cases reported within a 14-day period”

  • Cases - “Downward trajectory of documented cases within a 14-day period or Downward trajectory of positive tests as a percent of total tests within a 14-day period (flat or increasing volume of tests)”

  • Hospitals - “Treat all patients without crisis care and Robust testing program in place for at-risk healthcare workers, including emerging antibody testing”

These are the first prerequisites that need to be met, and there are more. However, there is a small paragraph and states that it will be circumstance based. These are guidelines, not rules, so each state will have to this the information above, and tailor it to their state.

The next portion are for the most part just general information about preparedness and having sufficient supplies for testing, preparing our healthcare and protecting workers and people in high risk areas. There is one piece of information that does state “Monitor conditions and immediately take steps to limit and mitigate any rebounds or outbreaks by restarting a phase or returning to an earlier phase, depending on severity.” That’s a great thing to hear, we just have to hope our governors will actually heed the advice.

The next portions are more general information on hygiene and public safety that we have already been practicing. Now were up to the actual phases.

Phase One -

If state governors deem they’ve met the criteria, then in phase, for the most part, everything can open up again so long as they adhere to strict social distancing protocols and hygiene care. Employers have to encourage working from home whenever possible, close common areas for customers, and take precautions to protect their workers.


Now, there are only a few differences between the three phases which is why i’ll only naming the major differences since the rest are very similar if not the same. So what I dont mention, assume it’s the same as before, or the difference was too minor to mention.

For Phase Two -

  • Gatherings can increase from 10 to 50 so long as physical distancing can be exercised. If not, they should be avoided unless precautionary measure were taken.

  • Schools/youth activities can be reopened

  • Bars may now open so long as they limit occupancy

For Phase Three -

  • Employers may resume unrestricted staffing of worksites

  • Visit to Senior living facilities and hospitals may resume so long as visitors are diligent with hygiene.

Phase Requirements

That’s pretty much the major differences. The other difference are just easing restrictions gradually as states move into their next phases. Now, for a governor to proceed to the next phase, it can only be done if the prerequisites have been met again. So, for a state to go into phase one, the prerequisites must be met. To go into phase two, the prerequisites must be again and so on for phase three. Only then, can they determine if they can move one. As i’ve already mentioned, if governors see that their states begin to decline, they are instructed to repeat a phase or go back a phase.

My Thoughts

Is this a step on the right direction? Honestly, I have no idea. It’s such a risky thing that can go wrong at any point. We have to work though, and we have to avoid another Operation Gridlock. I don’t want to talk too much about that in case I end up making a separate post since this one is running pretty long. We simply just don’t know for first time in a long time. When is the last time you remember the world not knowing something, or what to do. It’s a really crazy and historical experience. We just need to keep things to essential until we know for sure that things are better, and can start doing nonessential things. I’m gonna sign off now since I’ve said enough.

Stay safe and have a good one.
