Aldo SaltosComment

Update #2, December 9th, 2019

Aldo SaltosComment
Update #2, December 9th, 2019

Hello again, I took a break from everything. There isn’t exactly a reason as to why, first time I just didn’t feel like writing in a long time. I’m currently waiting to start my training for my new job. I’ll finally have an income again, and my old GM from my last job left the store and fortunately, the new GM actually likes me. So who knows, maybe i’ll go back to serving there. It was always management that made it more difficult than it needed to be.

Now, in terms of writing, nothing has changed, and the break didn’t help. I will, be devoting at least an hour every morning to writing/cold emailing with how my scheduled has changed. That kind of consistency is bound to get noticed at some point.

No new news besides that so I wont drag it out. Happy to be back from the break and working again.

Have a good one.
