Florida To Reopen

AS the shutdown comes to an end for Florida, we have more information from Governor DeSantis on when Florida will open back up again.

Starting on Monday, May 4th, 2020, Florida will begin reopening. The only real changes happening are-

  • Restaurants can now allow inside seating at 25% and outdoor seating, however the restaurant must follow strict social distancing guidelines for both indoor and outdoors

  • People can now schedule “non-urgent|” surgeries, however it depends if the hospital can handle it, due to potential surges and lack of supplies

Unfortunately that is all I have been able to find that multiple sources have been citing. I did read one source mention the possibility of sporting events being able to resume as long as their are no spectators.

What Will Reopen

Pretty much the whole Southeast region of Florida will not be reopening since they were hit the hardest with the pandemic. As for the rest of Florida, the businesses that will not be allowed to reopen are -

  • Bars

  • Gyms

  • Hair Salons

  • Visitation for elderly homes will remain prohibited

  • Schools will remain online

It seems that places that offer personal services will remain closed for the most part. That’s all I have to share at this time unfortunately.

I hope that businesses opening back up won’t bring another surge that the country won’t be able to control, not that the government has been doing a good job controlling it to begin with. It’s double edged sword, businesses need to starting running again so money can begin flowing again. Time will tell if it’s the right decision.

Stay safe and have a good one.
